Aug 28, 2009

Calgary Critical Mass Organizer Pulls the Plug

long time critical mass organizer, grant neufeld, is finished with organizing this ride. you can read his blog post explaining his reasons by clicking on the title of this post. you can also get more info on this ride by checking this out.

ending are also beginnings.

does calgary have enough "bike culture" to support a monthly advocacy ride?

is there a need for an advocacy ride at all?

could calgary cyclists raise bike-awareness with a different ride? maybe a ride that is more focused on having fun and less on agitating motorists? i think so.

maybe the end of critical mass with birth a new monthly fun ride? i could support that.


Cody said...

Critical Mass is not an organization (it is a happening) and he is not its organizer (he is a participant). He, quite likely, is the best promoter of this event and one of the most consistent attendees. He will agree with these statements.

It should continue but without aggression obviously. But, how do you make CM family-friendly? Once it is, then it will be a valuable service. I am interested - what do you suggest?

BikeBike said...

Have a look at this thread at bikecalgary - - i have put a few of my thoughts there.

i do think a monthly "take back the streets" type of ride is needed here. i do think that a consistent, monthly ride that focuses on riding safely on the roads could work. in my world, it would be critical (sorry, had to!) that any new ride effort stays firmly focused on safety and fun - no politics, no affiliations.