May 9, 2009


i ventured out last nite to find some live music here in "the 'Peg" - and - after an exhaustive search online for a suitable show, i settled on going to see somastate at "the zoo". as luck would have it, i pulled up out front where the bands were loading their gear in and, after locking my bike up, i rolled in through the band entrance and got in for free! nice!

once inside, i was bummed to find out that the band i was there to see wasnt in the lineup at all - wtf?

so, i stuck it out for a couple of the opening bands (barf! - lame!) and eventually bailed cuz the music was not doin it for me.

as i roll out the "front" door - which is in the back of the building (go figure), i notice a group of about 12 cyclists who are obviously riding together and are stopped at the beer store for supplies. i quickly unlocked my bike and asked if i could tag along with them on their ride. "no probs" they say.

turns out, the ride is organized by the bike dump - winnipeg's main community bike shop and after chatting with a few people i find out that one of the riders - glen - knows jarvis and justin through the messenger community.

small world.

it turns out that the ride was actually over and the last stop was at one of their friends houses, complete with a nice warm fire in the back and lots of friendly faces. it was super nice of them to let a stranger into their little party - and it was great chatting with jeff, greg, glen, sarah - a few others i cannot remember - about their community bike shop and all the things we as members of the bike tribe have in common.

thanks for the dose of winnipeg bike culture - many thanks!

1 comment:

The Doctor said...

You honestly came to see us? Damn, sorry about that. The show got changed that day to the Royal Albert Arms. Next time.
